INtime Objects

INtime supports an object-structured architecture: when an object is created an RT handle is returned. Further operations on the object require passing the handle and the handle remains valid until the object is deleted. An RT handle is a 16-bit value, and each handle is unique on the owning INtime node; handle values 0 and 0xFFFF are never used.
A process provides an environment for threads and is used to control the resources consumed by threads.
A thread performs the work of the system and is the only executable (active) object. Associated with each thread is a processor context.
Memory can be allocated and freed dynamically.
A mailbox is used for passing information between threads.
A message queue passes data messages between threads.
A semaphore is used for synchronization.
A region is used to implement mutual exclusion.
There are other, non-native object types for iWin32, C++ etc. These object types have alternate APIs and are presented in their respective chapters of the training.