License Activation

Purchase of INtime runtime licenses requires a valid redistribution agreement. This agreement defines, among other things, how provisioning of licenses is handled.
  • Entitlements (or SUACs) are stand-alone codes to be used individually for activation. The Entitlement along with the hardware fingerprint activates the purchased license. The Entitlement then is spent and can’t be used a 2nd time for another host.
  • An activation account stores Entitlements to be used for activation in a pool. When logged into the activation account, providing a hardware fingerprint activates a license and debits one of Entitlements from the account. An OEM should provide an Entitlement and deliver it along with the real-time application to the end customer.
Activating the license can be accomplished at any time either online or offline, without help from TenAsys. In either case, you need the hardware fingerprint.
If your host that needs to be activated has access to the internet, you can run the application “licman.exe”. It will guide you through the activation. Online activation automatically installs the license file locally on your host.
If your host has no access to the internet, you can use a multi-step process.
  • First, use the license manager to get the fingerprint from the host you want to activate.
  • On any system with access to the internet, browse to Tenasys’ Activation Web Portal, provide the Entitlement or activation account and then paste in the hardware fingerprint. This will return an activated license file.
  • Last, use the license manager to import the license file and install it on the host to be activated.