Linear Address Space

INtime always works with physical memory and – although it uses the processor’s paging system for memory protection - does not do any demand paging or swapping of memory to disk.
When INtime is started in the INtime for Windows configuration, it allocates physical memory from Windows non-paged pool or from excluded memory. In the INtime Distributed RTOS configuration, it owns all memory by default.
The memory available to INtime is then issued to real-time processes as needed. The various pages allocated to a given real time process need not be contiguous, although any one block will always use contiguous memory (this may be relevant for doing DMA).
Each real-time process has its own virtual address space (starting at address zero, extending as indicated when loading the process). Different real-time processes may use the same logical addresses, but these will be mapped to different physical memory pages. There is an option to share one or more pages between processes.