Project Files

After being generated by the INtime Application Wizard, a project (named TEST) includes these files:
- project solution (TEST.SLN) and project definition file (TEST.VCXPROJ)
- main module TEST.C
- project header TEST.H.
- utility function file, UTIL.C.
- implementation files, such as SServer1.C, INT7.C etc.
- text file called README.TXT that describes each generated file.
The generated project solution, workspace and definition files and their names depend on the version of Visual Studio you are using. The names listed here are for Visual Studio Professional 2013.
After successful building, the result is an executable file with an RTA extension; although this has the same format as an EXE file, the two cannot be exchanged: trying to execute an RTA file on Windows will fail, and loading an EXE file with the INtime loader will also fail.