
Round Robin Scheduling

The Round Robin Priority Threashold (RRPT) specifies the priority level where threads with the same or worst level will be time-sliced; this value can be changed with the INtime Configuration utility; by default, it is 140. Threads running at priorities better than “RRPT” will not be time-sliced.
When more than one thread is ready, with priorities not higher than RRPT, each of these threads can execute for the Round Robin Time set in milliseconds; this value can be changed with the INtime Configuration utility and by default it is 50 milliseconds. Note that the Windows thread if present runs at priority 254 and would be included in the Round Robin, when active.
When there is only one thread ready at the highest priority, no round robin scheduling takes place. (Highest priority has the smaller numerical value.)
Kernel Clock Rate can be: 50-10000 µs
Round Robin Time Slice can be: 20-100 ms