The Process Tree – INtime distributed RTOS

A process is an INtime object that provides the environment in which threads execute. A process places a limit on the resources that can be used by the threads within it. Every INtime object belongs to a process.
The design of the application system will determine which threads are grouped together within a process. Threads that have similar functions or lifetimes or that need to share global data are usually placed in the same process.
The root process is created when INtime is initialized. All other processes are first-level descendants of the root process, or they descend (directly or indirectly) from one of the first level processes; all processes are created by the INtime kernel.
On a Local INtime node, a normal INtime process is created as a first level process; on a D-RTOS node, such an INtime process is created as a descendant of the "INtime Run-Time Loader“
Process attributes are stored in the process descriptor and include:
memory pool
maximum (numerically lowest) thread priority
object directory
virtual segment size