
Windows Interaction - System Tab

INtime needs memory for its own kernel and to run INtime applications. When re-partitioning the host to share its memory with  Windows we specify the amount of memory for INtime. There is no single figure on how much is needed, but a minimum of 16 megabytes is recommended. Windows limits the amount of memory that a driver can allocate, if you need more you need to use boot options.
With multi-core processors, you have a choice of how to use the cores:
  • Dedicated mode gives the best possible determinism for INtime at the cost of a complete core.
  • Dedicated is the only mode for Windows 8 and higher and all 64-bit versions of Windows
  • Shared mode is a compromise between performance and cost. It is only available for 32-bit versions of Windows up to version 7
  • Note: There is some determinism loss if hyper threading is used when half the hyper pair is running Windows.