Support for cross development – individual real-time applications

Real-time applications (rta) are made up of one or more function blocks. They are developed for INtime in a cross-development environment hosted on Windows. Just like in Windows, you find a very flexible development and integration infrastructure for INtime.
This infrastructure is used during debugging of an individual function block, during integration of function blocks into a real-time application and – should it be needed - for ad-hoc diagnostics. The infrastructure – unless you disable it by respective configuration - always is available and operational, even for systems that may already have been released and in operation in their target environment. We recommend that you keep the cross-development environment intact for any necessary diagnostics.
Care should be taken to make these tools only available to trained staff.
First, we list tools to load, run and terminate individual rta’s on individual INtime nodes. Later we describe tools that condition an INtime target system with all it’s real-time applications for your intended host environment.