RSI (Robotic Systems Integration) specializes in motion control technology. Their primary product, RMP (RSI Motion Platform), provides PC based EtherCAT* motion controller through their unique software tools, API, and integration services. This multi-axis motion control solution is suitable for robotics and industrial automation.
Integrated motion control solution
RMP works seamlessly with the TenAsys® INtime® RTOS, which in turn runs side-by-side with Windows. The entire software stack leverages Intel technologies including Intel* Time Coordinated Computing (Intel* TCC) to provide a complete solution that delivers motion control, HMI, and real-time networking on a single platform.
Robotic Systems Integration (RSI)
111 N. Wabash Ave, Suite 713
Chicago, IL 60602
Phone: +1 (312) 613-4373
For more than 40 years, TenAsys solutions have proven themselves in deterministic applications. Our unique approach enables workload consolidation and converged infrastructure deployments that unleash new levels of flexibility, productivity, and efficiency.
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