Embedded virtualization enables robust designs and protects software investments. The Constantino softCNC supports advanced functions like synchronized axis position rephasing and speed coupling between axes, which can reside on the same system as legacy computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) binaries from software specialists thanks to explicit resource partitioning by the TenAsys INtime® RTOS.
- ISAC Constantino CNC Software
The Constantino motion program is an ISO6893 softCNC capable of 25,000 function blocks per second and more than 200 lookahead blocks for multi-axis motion control applications. It runs on PC hardware that delivers sufficient performance to run an IEC 61131-compliant PLC programming environment that’s accessible through Windows. Constantino’s real-time control program connects to endpoints via an EtherCAT I/O module whose timing is managed by the INtime RTOS.
- Microsoft® Windows: The Constantino stack incorporates Microsoft® Windows to support the operator interface and provide user access to the PLC programming environment and other utilities such as data logging and maintenance applications.
- TenAsys INtime® RTOS
The INtime® RTOS provides Constatino with tight scheduling over Ethernet and fieldbus links but can also isolate new and legacy workloads from the Windows environment in one or more rigid-yet-resourced INtime partitions. These instances can support tested motion control algorithms, modern applications, or both, side-by-side on the same x86 multicore PC hardware.

Operators and developers deploying Constantino in workload-consolidated systems can add new features and port existing software without losing or reconfiguring existing IP. In motion control applications where the bulk of IP lies in precision software and algorithms, this drives lower non-recurring engineering (NRE) costs and the reallocation of savings to the development of value-added services.
This solution example showcases how a software stack based on ISAC Constantino, Microsoft Windows, and the backward-compatible INtime RTOS can help motion control suppliers maintain software investments from one generation to the next. However, this approach also applies to any industry where stakeholders can benefit from long-term retention of technology investments.
For more information, contact TenAsys technical experts.
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